How it Works

Whiterail Recruits enables towing, transportation, auto / diesel repair companies to easily hire qualified drivers, mechanics, and dispatchers. We combine modern advertising methods and social media marketing to target candidates directly and bypass traditional websites like indeed.

Qualified Candidates

We find laser-qualified candidates using geofence advertising technology


We pre-qualify candidates based on your needs and high motivation

Helpful Technology

Our technology lets you easily sort and contact the top candidates directly

High Quality

You hire the highest quality candidates that few others have access to!

We use all kinds of cool technologies to bring you candidates. We make it easy to find qualified candidates, talk to them, schedule interviews, and hire them!

Who is Whiterail Recruits for?

Towing, transportation, auto / diesel repair companies looking for dispatchers, experienced drivers, and mechanics!

Viable Candidates found on Indeed

Viable Candidates found on Whiterail

How quickly can you get me candidates?

Most companies can begin receiving qualified job candidates within 4-5 days.
How long does a Whiterail Recruits recruitment campaign last?
Our recruitment campaigns can be ordered per month. All you need to do is pay for the first month and renew as needed!

Exclusively Blue Collar

No Resume Required

Takes 1 Min. To Apply

Direct Line to Prospects

Targeted Advertising With Geo-Fence Tech

Automated Pre-Screening Of Qualifications

How much does Whiterail Recruits cost?

Whiterail is very affordable. Please reach out to us for a quote.

How is Whiterail Recruits different from
Indeed and Zip Recruiter?

Whiterail Recruits is different in that it creates a simple hiring process for job candidates. Indeed and Zip Recruiter are sticking to traditional hiring methods that just don’t translate well in the blue collar industry. Our method increases completed job applications by 80% and gets you the answers to the important questions.

Stand Out in a Crowded Market

We’ve learned that the best job candidates aren’t actively looking for a job! Whiterail Recruits used geotargeting technology to locate experienced candidates, whether they are actively searching for a job or not. You can advertise directly to the best candidates in the industry.

How does Whiterail Recruits help me get people to actually show up for interviews?
We integrate scheduling technology directly into your personalized chatbot. You can easily schedule interviews and use automated text message reminders to remind candidates about the interview.

Your advantage
– Avoid the expense and wasted time of job boards
– Stand out from the competition
– Get top-tier candidates only…

Robust features
– Customized ad campaigns
– Integrated messaging platform
– Text and email reminders for interviewees…

Stop endlessly chasing ghost candidates on job boards. Find out how to get qualified candidates to contact YOU.

How does Whiterail Recruits help me get people to actually show up for interviews?

We integrate scheduling technology directly into your personalized chatbot. You can easily schedule interviews and use automated text message reminders to remind candidates about the interview.

How many applicants can I expect to get with Whiterail Recruits?

Cities with a higher population do tend to get more applicants but we have found that you’ll get at least ten times more candidates than Indeed or Zip Recruiter. High quality candidate?

Proven Results

Organizational Memberships